Planning Your Church Fundraiser


When it comes to fundraising, there is quite a bit of pressure on organizers to create inspiring results while using limited resources. For this reason alone, many church leadership team members can begin to dread what will happen when the time comes to put together a plan, and then put that plan into action.

If you find yourself stressing when it comes time to start a fundraiser, there are answers. Careful planning in the early stages of your fundraiser will help to make sure you meet your goal quickly and easily. Whether you’ve chosen to do your fundraising drive online through our e-giving platforms or in person, there are certain elements that you should be careful not to overlook while preparing. Take a look at the following suggestions – did you include them in your plans?

Identify A Need

Without a purpose, your fundraising efforts may fall flat. Take the time to consider exactly what you’re fundraising for, and then communicate that need to your church family. Take the time to clearly and concisely declare what you’re fundraising for. Is your church trying to fund a new wing? Are you trying to support missionaries over seas? With an end-goal in sight, many of your church family members, and community members, as well, will be more likely to get involved.


This may sound like a no-brainer, but having the committed support of your leadership team members will go a long way towards helping you meet your fundraising goals. With their involvement, you will also have a group of people invested toward reaching the same goal. Their involvement can include speaking with church members about the need for the fundraiser, helping in the planning process or even participating in much of the legwork of the fundraiser.

Identify Your Givers

The basic rule of fundraising says that 80% of your church’s collected funds are going to come from 20% of the people giving in your church. This means that there is a relatively small population in your church that’s going to get involved in your outreach efforts. After you’ve taken the time to identify these individuals, take a few moments to plan out how you’re going to appeal to them. Directing communication to them to discuss your church’s need may have just the impact you’re looking for.


After your fundraiser is in full swing, take the time to discuss the intricacies of your efforts to those you’re reaching out to for support. Taking the time to tell the story of the church’s need, and where the funds will go, will give potential givers more confidence that their money will be put to good use.

Making the effort in these four areas in the early stages of your fundraising efforts will yield measurable results. Rather than waiting until the last minute to begin planning the stages of your campaign, take the time to lay a solid foundation.